notifications Restricted Availability for bookings within the next 30 days. Call 1300 301 002.Call us on 1300 301 002 to check availability.

Drivers under 21 Years and over 75 Years are welcome at Family Car Rentals

If you are between 19 and 85 years of age you can drive our cars. There are some restrictions for people under 21yrs and over 79 years which are outlined in this section.

19-21Yr and 80+ yr drivers can drive our cars. People who are on their "Green Ps" may also drive our cars. There are some restrictions for drivers not yet 21yrs of age and those who are over 79yrs of age, and for drivers of all ages who are on provisional licences. The restrictions are both in vehicle selection and area of use (Greater Gold Coast area only).

For fully licenced drivers between 21yrs and 24yrs there is no "daily rental surcharge" compared with 25yr to 79yr old drivers, nor is there any vehicle restriction. Area of use options are the same as for 25yr to 79yr old drivers. However the Insurance Excess requirements and EconoSafe; MaxiSafe and MaxiSafe Plus excess reduction package costs as well as Security Bond requirements are different. Please refer to our webpages headed "Insurance" and "Security Bonds".

We have negotiated special insurance arrangements to accommodate under 21yrs and over 79yrs and "P Platers" - our insurers require prior notice, so please do not expect to be able to ring up and get a car straight away - best to give us at least a couple of days' notice, but you can book months in advance if you wish.

We are required by our insurers to provide a "profile" of the driver and any associates, so please expect to be asked some questions. With these drivers, pricing is a bit different; the rental rate is $15 per day higher than is the case for 25-79yr drivers and EconoSafe and MaxiSafe Plus insurance excess reduction options are about $2.50 per day higher, and the relevant insurance excesses are higher. Please refer to our webpages headed "Insurance" and "Security Bonds" for detailed information.

We provide an online quoting and booking request system for 21-79yr fully licenced drivers, we ask that others make their contact with us by telephone so that we can meet the requirements of our insurance company. Please refer to our webpages headed "Contact" page for phone numbers.

Where a rental is contemplated with drivers in more than one of our age groupings, the pricing, insurance and security requirements will be on the "worst case" basis.

Licences issued overseas are acceptable if they ar printed with "Roman Characters" (a,b,c... x,y,z).

All licences must be current for the entire period of rental (i.e. not past their expiry date) and they must be appropriate for the class of vehicle to be rented.

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Reliability and Confidence

Family Service, Family Integrity and Family Value

Family value and service
Our personal guarantee
Unequalled value with no surprises
Excellence of value to all our customers
Independent 24 hour roadside service
Flexible distance allowances
place1 Wheeler Crescent (Cnr Villiers Drive), Currumbin Waters, Queensland 4223
phone1300 301 002