notifications Restricted Availability for bookings within the next 30 days. Call 1300 301 002.Call us on 1300 301 002 to check availability.

Frequently Asked Questions

Within this section you will find answers to all of the most commonly asked questions that we have had from our valued customers.

Below are a number of Frequently Asked Questions. To view our answers to these questions, simply click on the question:

Q: What is your Cancellation Policy?

Our unique Cancellation and Re-booking Policy covers all of our Rental Options, except our Non-cancellable Rental Package. We advise our potential customers to consider whether the Non-cancellable Package is suitable for their circumstances.

Should you choose to cancel your rental car booking, irrespective of any cause, you are guaranteed a full refund of any other money that you have already paid towards your rental, but not yet activated, provided only that we receive your notification of cancellation more than 48 hours prior to the scheduled commencement of your rental term. If you fail to meet the 48 hour requirement, the maximum amount that will be retained by us will be $75.00, plus the payment card fee already activated. If you seek to make a new booking to replace the cancelled one, our protection package ensures that if an equal period new rental cost is dearer than the cost of your cancelled booking, the new rental price will be discounted by up to 10% to strive for price parity, even if the difference reflects seasonal pricing differences. Should you curtail any part of your rental, you will receive a refund for the proportion of your rental curtailed, so that you only pay for the period of actual use, plus one day.

Q: What steps do you take to safeguard my critical information such as payment card details, name, address, time away from home etc.?

We are very conscious of cyber security.

Our website is protected against hacking because we have both "Https" and "DNNSEC" website protection facilities to provide maximum safety and security of our website, protecting both you and ourselves.

We also use "Pin Payments" as our independent payment platform provider, completely protecting your payment card details, even from ourselves.

Q: Does your Insurance cover me for damage to other people's property and for injury as well as damage to the rental vehicle?

Q: Can you tell me about seat belt and mobile phone rules in Queensland?

Q: Do you provide a 24/7 roadside assistance service?

Q: Is there any cost for additional drivers, and how do I nominate them?

Q: How come you are so much cheaper than every other car rental operator for the insurance excess reduction package?

Q: As I am on a tight budget, older vehicles seem to be the best bet for me, but I don’t want my holiday spoiled because of problems with the car – what can you tell me?

Q: I’m still on my “P’s”; can I still rent a car from you?

Q: I’m under 21yrs of age; can I still rent a car?

Q: I don’t have a credit card; can I still rent a car from you?

Q: What happens with traffic and parking fines?

Q: What about tolls?

Q: What are your pick up and return arrangements?

Q: Please tell me about your permitted area of usage.

Q: Can you supply approved child seats?

Q: What cars in your fleet can fit 3 child safety seats across the back seat?

Q: Do I need to return the car with a full tank of fuel?

Ideally, it is a question of "Full to Full"; we only want you to replace the fuel you used.

We are very aware that you can't stand at a bowser and see the fuel guage at the same time. If your returned fuel level is below the level that it should be, we will refuel the car and if the difference is less than 3 litres, we will pay for it. If it is more than 3 litres and less than 10 litres, we will charge you for fuel only, but if the shortage is more than 10 Litres, there will be an $11.00 service fee added.

Family Car Rentals Reviewed on Google by 274 People. Rated 4.4/5

Additional Information


We provide a wide range of current model and older vehicles with the best possible value and service levels. Experience better standards of value and

Car Rental Reviews

We have put together a sample of comments on our business that have been posted by genuine customers on various websites.

Family Car Rentals Blog

Check out our Blog for latest news about Family Car Rentals and insider information about local attractions, eateries and more.


We ask you more questions, because we give you more choices.

Reliability and Confidence

Family Service, Family Integrity and Family Value

Family value and service
Our personal guarantee
Unequalled value with no surprises
Excellence of value to all our customers
Independent 24 hour roadside service
Flexible distance allowances
place1 Wheeler Crescent (Cnr Villiers Drive), Currumbin Waters, Queensland 4223
phone1300 301 002